Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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"Above all, love."
-1 Peter 4:8

Love Beyond is an invitation to join us in helping those who suffer.

It’s a reminder to love beyond all else and without discrimination.

How can I Love Beyond in Rochester, NY?

Every service The Salvation Army provides can use your time, talent or treasure.  Look below for inspiring ways that you can Love Beyond all year round!


Take the time today to learn about a culture or lifestyle choice that's different from your own. Read an article, visit a location or spend time with another person that can enlighten you on their way of life. 


We all need human interaction...some more, some less. Schedule time to visit the elderly, volunteer at a shelter, start a book club, or organize an event.  A phone call can cure loneliness, too! Pick up the phone a few times this week and call a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in a while. 


Food is so many things beyond nourishment.  It shows thoughtfulness, kindness, Start a food drive in your neighborhood or place of work.  Make plates of dinner extras and bring them out to the homeless. Create paper lunch bags with uplifting, positive messages and put some tasty treats inside and drop them off at a shelter. Those who receive will feel your kindness!