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Disasters of incredible magnitude call for people of incredible generosity.
Disasters come in, both natural and man-made forms. Each year, The Salvation Army serves 1—2 million Americans in dozens of disaster response efforts nationwide. And when disaster strikes, The Salvation Army is often among the first on the scene. Our trained personnel are always available to meet emergencies by providing food, shelter, clothing and spiritual comfort. In disaster relief operation, The Salvation Army's first aim is to meet the basic needs of those affected – both survivors and first responders.
The Salvation Army is recognized by federal, state and local governments as an organization able to provide relief services to areas impacted by natural or man-made disasters within the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) National Response Framework. The Army operates in three phases when responding to a disaster.
PHASE 1 – EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: The Salvation Army ensures its own ability to respond quickly and efficiently to a disaster while working to educate other disaster professionals and the public at large about how to prepare for an emergency situation.
PHASE 2 - IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE: Salvation Army personnel and resources will congregate at pre-determined staging areas, entering the impacted area once government first-responders indicate that it is safe to do so.
PHASE 3 - LONG-TERM DISASTER RECOVERY: While continuing to provide immediate response services, the Army will often coordinate with government officials to develop and execute long-term strategic disaster recovery plans.
For up-to-date reports and news pertaining to our disaster services please visit: